Monday, February 14, 2011

E-mail Etiquette

E-mail is defined as the communication method at which there is an exchange of text over the computer usually at distant locations. It's a rapidly used communication method especially in nowadays growing technology. This article doesn't focus on the IT aspects of using email technologies (such as using email programs and the underlying terminologies as send, receive, forward, CC, etc.), but rather mentions the skills that should be mastered in order to express professionalism over the email. Any given e-mail message can clearly demonstrate the level of power and professionalism of the sender. This derives us to study the email skills in depth in order to project the right image about ourselves.
Using the email to send a message has the advantages of documentation (proving of issues), speed, inexpensiveness, accessibility, retrievability (getting old emails), versatility (ability to send a variety of files) and time saving. On the other hand, it has the disadvantages of occasional inaccessibility, vulnerability (security issues), permanence (fear of deletion) and overload (for huge mailboxes).
Avoid using email messages in sending the following message types:
  • Confidential messages
  • Negotiation messages
  • Emotional messages
  • Complex instructional messages
  • Time sensitive messages
A clear email message should be characterized with the following:
  • Clear topic line and clear message body (examples: no controversies, no gender-specific language and with appropriate tone)
  • Informative (not a time waster)
  • No unnecessary details
There are several factors that should be considered when deciding to write an email such as your relationship with the recipient, the purpose of the message and the subject of the message. These factors determine how your message structure and language are formulated and determine your aim from the message such as persuading, informative or inquiring. Your message at all occasions should anticipate the recipient reactions and hence would affect the way to write the message and the tone used.
Over the internet there are some agreed guidelines for email messages, these are:
  1. Consider using a consistent appropriate tone (formal business tone differs from informal friendly tone)
  2. Remain friendly and personable as possible
  3. Avoid using unclear words (such as probable, almost) or personal qualifier words (such as "I" statements)
  4. Avoid using jargon (technical abbreviations) or clichés (cultural based expressions) unless you know that the recipient knows it well.
  5. Use proper fonts and avoid colorful messages with complex email templates.
  6. You may use emoticons to illustrate your feelings (such as J Happy, L Sad), however use them only when needed and to project your actual emotions when writing.
  7. You can use abbreviations to save time, however, be wary of the recipient knowledge level (such as FYI For Your Information, LOL Laughing Out Loud, FAQ Frequently Asked Questions)
  8. Use paragraphs of varying lengths belonging to the same topic (A paragraph for each idea of the topic)
  9. Single email message per single topic (Don't discuss many topics in one email message)
  10. Use short topic messages (Don't let the recipient use the scroll-bar because your message is too long – ONE screen message)
You should always think about your message before you begin to write and monitor your reactions. Accordingly you to practice writing a draft email and revise it before sending to the recipient, because it can't be retrieved back. There are also some IT related skills such as:
  • Email attachments
    • Attach only when needed
    • Consider the recipient's available programs
  • Always use priority labels and signature files
  • Organize your email client's folders and contacts
  • Use emails and spam filters of the email client
  • Use encryption, passwords and digital signature for highly sensitive messages

There are other skills related to the writing process itself and would be discussed later.
Happy emailing everybody!!

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